Holy Trinity Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

How we communicate

How do I contact school?

Methods of Contacting School


Telephone – 01422 367161

There is a dedicated line to report pupil absence or to speak to the school office. It is important that messages left on the answer phone are clear and state the child’s name and class. When reporting absence we also need to know exactly what is wrong with your child – please don’t say ‘poorly’.


Text Message- 07507264624

School sometimes uses text messages to contact parents. You can reply to these. Please note texts are seen by office staff. It is acceptable to text a child’s absence as long as the reason it given and the child’s name and class. It costs £26 each time we send texts to the whole school so we keep these to a minimum. Email is used in the main for whole school messages and texts used when it is a smaller group.



This email will be looked at constantly during the school day and emails for other staff will be forwarded from this email address and replies will usually come back from the admin email. Please note teachers do not check their emails during the school day and responses may take several days depending on the nature of the content.



Please check your child’s book bag regularly as we send communication with a reply slip via paper letter in children’s book bags. Please make sure you write your child’s name and class clearly on any reply slip.


Planners (Y1 upwards)

Messages from teachers / teaching assistants may be hand written in planners. Planners are checked by classroom based staff. If you have a message for a teacher please write in the parent section of the weekly pages and remind your child to show their teacher. Please sign the book weekly and write in each time you listen to your child read.