Holy Trinity Primary School

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Design and Technology (DT) at Holy Trinity is a practical and valuable subject. It enables our pupils to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves and their school community. It teaches how to take risks and become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable.

We teach DT three half terms a year, this alternates with our art lessons that we teach in the other three half terms in the academic year. In these lessons, we learn about a range of areas of DT, including mechanisms, mechanical systems, cooking and nutrition, structures, textiles, electrical systems and the digital world.

Design and Technology in Early Years

In the Early Years, knowledge and skills are taught through pupil’s own experimental interests and careful adult involvement.

Design and Technology in Key Stage 1 and

Key Stage 2

In Key Stages 1 and 2 children design, make and evaluate a range of purposeful, functional and appealing products and develop their understanding of technical vocabulary.  Throughout the school year, all pupils also learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the principles of nutrition.

How can I support my child with design and technology? 

You could challenge your child to design and build a structure using toys such as construction kits (Lego, K-Nex, Sticklebricks, wooden blocks) e.g. What is the tallest tower that you can build? Can you create a shelter for this animal? Can you design a farmyard that could house pigs, horses and chickens?  Discussions are also very valuable, why not talk about how something was made? You could think about why it was made and who it was made for too.

Another exciting opportunity is to make food together. Cooking meals with your child is a great opportunity to spend time together but also learn about cooking, food and diet too.