Holy Trinity Primary School

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Art at Holy Trinity allows our little artists to use their imaginations and develop their creative skills to achieve and create unique pieces of artwork.

We teach art three half terms a year, this alternates with our design and technology lessons that we teach in the other three half terms in the academic year.

In these lessons, we learn about three key areas of art: drawing, painting and sculpture. Pupils have access to a range of different art materials and tools and where possible, links are made with our locality and across the curriculum too. We look at existing artwork to create our own interpretations and style, and we actively encourage everyone to share their favourite art form or artist through their own way of working.

“Art is an expression of your feelings; you feel something and then you draw it or make it.”  Year 4 pupil at Holy Trinity.

Art in Early Years

In Early Years, we begin the journey to being great artists. The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity.

Art in Key Stage One

In Key Stage One, we learn basic skills in the three areas of art- drawing, painting and sculpture.

Art in Key Stage 2

Moving through school, in Key Stage 2, new skills are learnt and previous skills are developed further. The children have opportunities to create unique and personalised pieces of artwork using the skills they have learnt and knowledge of a range of artists from all over the world.

How can I support my child with art at home?

Get messy! Try to get hold of as many different types of drawing and painting resources as you can to let your child get creative and explore creating art using different materials. Take art learning outside and allow children to use natural materials to create drawings or sculptures. Have a look at our list of artists that we study in school, can you look at their artwork together? Could you recreate some of their pieces at home? Can you choose a local Yorkshire artist and visit a gallery to see their work?